Articulo proyecto de performance Thomas Koner 2006 /Article draft performance Thomas Koner 2006
Articulo diario el Mercurio sobre la Bienal y obra de Akim Onitolo Africa UK/newspaper article about the Biennial and Akim Onitolo work Africa UK
Diario de Performance DEFORMES 2006/Journal of Performance DEFORMES 2006
Postal de despedida DEFORMES 2006/farewell Postal DEFORMES 2006
PresentaciĆ³n de la bienal en MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporaneo) y del proyecto de Lee Wen/ Presentation of the biennial at MAC (Museum of Contemporary Art) and Lee Wen draft
Reportaje arte al limite primera bienal DEFORMES 2006/ Report to the first biennial DEFORMES 2006
Reportaje inaugural bienal 2006 LUN/ Inaugural biennial report 2006
Reportaje revista Caras 1/
Magazine Report 1
Reportaje revista Caras 2/ Magazine Report 2
Reportaje revista Caras 3/ Magazine Report 3
Reportaje revista Caras 4/Magazine Report 4