12/ 17/ 09
Eventos Programados para 2010 dentro del Marco de la Bienal de Performance DEFORMES/ The Biennial of Performance DEFORMES events Scheduled for 2010:
-Talleres Internacionales "Escuela de lo Simultaneo"/International Workshops "School of the simultaneous", dirigido por/ directed by Gonzalo Rabanal: 20 Sept > 5 Oct.
-Segundo Coloquio Inter universitario 2010/ Second Inter-university Symposium 2010, dirigido por/ directed by Tomás Peters: 18 - 19 Oct Santiago> 25 Oct Valparaíso> 1 Nov Valdivia.
-Tercera Bienal Internacional DEFORMES 2010/ Third International Biennial DEFORMES 2010, dirigido por/ directed by Francisca Tironi: 18Oct > 5 Nov